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Menopause Monday - Symptom # 2

Writer's picture: tinawatsontinawatson

Your heart is pounding, your internal volcano is erupting, and rivers of sweat trickle down your neck and I haven't turned into Barbara Cartland, I am describing.........

Night Sweats

Just the name is enough to strike terror into the hearts of any woman who has ever experienced them!

Night sweats are the nocturnal counterpart of your hot flushes (flashes) and usually show up in perimenopause due to hormonal level changes.

You may find you wake up feeling cold and your bedsheets soaked through, not only is this uncomfortable but you will probably find it hard to get back to sleep.

Possible Solutions:

  • Keep your bedroom cool and turn a fan on if possible

  • Natural fibres like cotton, flax, bamboo or Eucalyptus fibre make for more comfortable bedding than artificial fibres.

  • Try to establish a calming routine before bedtime to reduce stress

  • Wearing loose, light clothing while sleeping to stay cool

  • Try turning your pillow often - try these covers from good old M&S (no, not on commission)

  • Try a body spritz like the one from Jennifer Young (I'm still not on commission!)

This one is fragranced with rose, which helps to calm and prepare the mind for sleep. Use it after a tepid bath or shower

It is made with natural ingredients and is vegetarian and vegan friendly.

  • sip cool water or herbal tea before bed instead of having a night cap!

  • slowing and deepening your breathing to help your body relax - try this:

A yogic breathing technique (pranayama) will beat the heat. Curl the sides of your tongue up and inhale through it like a straw for a count of five. Then close your mouth and exhale through your nose for the same count. If you can’t curl your tongue, simply inhale through closed teeth to make a hissing sound. Then exhale through your nose. (this will help for hot flushes too)

  • Fluctuating blood sugar levels, brought on by scoffing biscuits and refined carbs like white bread before bed can increase the night sweats. Go for grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables (potatoes) instead.....(no, not chips!!!)

  • Talking of eating; try to keep your weight where it should be, this can help control body temperature.

Natural Remedies:

Some herbs and supplements are said to provide short-term relief from night sweats.


Foods rich in natural plant estrogens, known as phytoestrogens, can help regulate your body’s estrogen levels as they drop during menopause. Foods rich in phytoestrogens include:

  • soybeans and soy products

  • tofu

  • tempeh

  • flaxseeds

  • linseeds

  • sesame seeds

  • beans

Flaxseeds contain the highest form of phytoestrogen.

Black Cohosh

Herbalists have long used black cohosh to treat menopausal irregularities and night sweats.

Evening Primrose

Evening Primrose oil is also said to reduce night sweats but is less effective.

Red Clover

Red clover is a herb used in traditional medicine, it is used to treat a wide range of health issues, such as night sweats. Some research has found taking 40–80 mg of red clover daily may help reduce severe menopausal sweats.

Japanese Diet

A traditional Japanese diet is not only rich in soy, but also has a low ratio of certain fatty acids due to the high consumption of fish. It may be this combination of fish and other types of diet, rather than just Phytoestrogens themselves, that may be important in helping with menopause symptoms.


Acupuncture treatments may reduce the frequency of symptoms during menopause. This was the conclusion of a study that found, compared with menopausal women who did not receive the treatment, hot flushes and night sweats were reduced by over a third in menopausal women who received acupuncture.

Don Quai

Native to eastern Asia and China, the herb Don Quai has been used for more than one thousand years, as a spice, tonic, and medicine in traditional Chinese medicine. It is known as the 'female ginseng' and is currently the second best-selling herb in China. It is indicated as a supportive herb for menopausal complaints. However, the one well-designed study that has been conducted using Don Quai has found no beneficial effects.

Don Quai is one of the first alternative therapies to which potentially adverse effects have been attributed, as it contains chemicals that act as blood thinning products.

Please remember: What works for one woman might not work for another. If you’re trying different treatments, it can be useful to keep a diary so you can determine what works best for you.

It may take time to find a treatment that works well for you.

Make sure to talk to your doctor before trying any herbal medications or supplements.

Next Post: Menopause Symptom # 3
Tingling extremities - oh Matron!

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